Cultural Differences

Here: I have highlighted a few cultural differences I noted along the way.

  1. The pyramids in Cairo were splendid. They were different from any type of architecture that I have seen, and inspired me to create beautiful buildings in my own country. I want mosques and palaces to rival their beauty.
  2. In the middle east I was introduced to new types of Islamic literature, poetry and art. This is what I took home with me to introduce to my kingdom.
  3. Along the way, I was introduced to new goods, which later made their way through the trade capital of my empire Timbuktu, such as; salt, copper, and iron.
  4. I discovered in the North, new weapons that aided me later in controlling my surplus of slaves.
  5. Mecca was very culturally different. Completing the Hajj by walking around the Ka’Ba was extremely different from my culture.

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